Mystery Gorilla Safari

Bird watching in Uganda is dream come true with over 1,090+ recorded species. So many ecosystems to explore and endemic and small-range specialties to tick-off.
The Pride of Uganda, the Crested Crane are truly the crown beauty of the Pearl of Africa
The Crested Crane
Varieties of Birds Species awaiting your discovery with us.
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The word ‘Uganda’ sparks imagination and wonder when mentioned in birding circles. It is the Mecca for neo-tropical birding, being home to over 1,900 recorded species with more being found all the time as the country’s vast territory is explored during this time of transition and peace.

This startling amount represents close to 11% of birds globally recognized. Among this mouth-watering list there are at least 84 ‘country endemics’ found in Uganda’s various isolated geo-regions and ecosystems, the evolutionary results of the complex and extreme rift valley topography, its role as the bio-bridge between North, Central and South Africa and its magnificent Rwenzori Elgon and Virunga mountain ranges.

To capture and showcase this astounding avian treasure trove, we are delighted to introduce our latest array of Mystery Gorilla Safaris Birding experiences – the culmination of years of hard work, experience in the birding sector and our dedication to bird observation, conservation and exploration.


Birding in Uganda involves visits to a wide range of game reserves, national parks, farms and private properties. Road connections are very good to excellent between major cities thanks to the construction of new highways, with most secondary and tertiary (unpaved) roads in good condition. Major cities are never too far away from the main birding sites meaning that connections by both road and air are easy to coordinate. Infrastructure is generally excellent in the cities with it understandably lowering in * level the more remote you go. That said, the lodgings we offer are clean and comfortable complete with private bathrooms – thankfully these are abundant and getting better all the time as Uganda’s tourism sector strengthens.




Uganda’s stunning biodiversity can only be depicted if you understand its geography.

Uganda is exceptionally important in terms of biodiversity.1 Surveys report the occurrence of 18,783 species. Seated on just 241, 551 Km2, it accounts for 0.18% of the world’s terrestrial and freshwater surface, harbors 4.6% of the dragonflies, 6.8% of the butterflies, 7.5% of the mammals, and 10.2% of the bird species globally recognized. Uganda has more species of primates than anywhere else on Earth of similar area.

Uganda is a land locked country, located in an area where seven of Africa’s distinct biogeographic regions or phytochoria converge. Given Uganda’s location in a zone between the ecological communities that are characteristic of the drier East African savannas and the more moist West African rain forests, combined with high altitude ranges, the country has a high level of biological diversity in its unique blend of semi-arid woodlands, savannah and forest communities as well as in the montane and lake habitats.

Uganda’s collection of snow-covered Rwenzori mountains and their various climatic zones, its lush valleys, endless plains, impenetrable forests and grasslands/savannas are all part of a diverse geography formed over millions of years. This unique geography has enabled Uganda to shelter an equally unique diversity of avian fauna, perfectly adapted to its unique surroundings. Uganda is the land of birds, but not by chance. This section, dedicated to the country’s ecoregions – The Albertine rift, Sango bay and forests – will explain why.


The Albertine Rift is an important region for global conservation. It harbors more species of vertebrates than any other region on the African continent. This region shelters more than half of continental Africa’s bird species and nearly 40% of its mammal species. There are more endemic mammals, birds and amphibians found in the Rift than any other site in continental Africa.

The Albertine Rift stretches from the northern tip of Lake Albert in Uganda to the southern tip of Lake Tanganyika in northern Zambia. The natural habitat within this ecoregion, comprised of pieces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and Tanzania, is equally diverse, ranging from glaciers at the top of the fabled Rwenzori Mountains, down through alpine moorland, forest lands and savanna grasslands. These landscapes support high levels of species richness and endemism. In terms of biological diversity, the forest and lakes within this area constitute one of the richest parts of the world.

Wetlands in the Albertine Rift include high altitude swamps (such as those found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Rwenzori Mountains National Park) which are critical natural habitats for rare species. The high altitude swamps in Bwindi are, for example, important for the Grauer’s Rush Warbler and Shoebill Stork.




The Sango Bay ecosystem is comprised of a system of wetlands and forests in southern Uganda (Rakai District). It borders Lake Victoria and contains 41% of Uganda's bird species. At the mouth of Kagera River (partly in Tanzania partly in Uganda) the forests contain Podocarpus spp. and other species usually restricted to montane forest. Within this diversity of wetland types are many specialists. Over 159 species of birds are wetlands specialists.

Throughout the length of the Sango Bay ecoregion of Uganda there is an array of ecosystems, all of which are home to a startling number of range-restricted endemics and near-endemics which can be seen fairly easily during a typical 10-day tour.



Dry montane forests occur in the east, and north of Uganda. Those of Karamoja contain a number of rare and restricted range species not found in other parts of Uganda. The area has thirty known regional endemic species of birds, among them the globally-threatened Karamoja Apalis (Apalis karamojae), and several endemic species of butterflies (Papilio nobilis, Charaxes smaragdilis elgonae).

This mixture of ecosystems, and relative easy access from major cities such as Kampala, means that birding in Uganda’s Forests can be a very richly rewarded experience. Giant Kingfisher, African green pigeon, Crowned Hornbill, African Harrier Hawk, Cinnamon Chested bee eater, Mountain masked apalis, Black billed turaco, African Broadbill, Western green tinker bird, Handsome francolin, Yellow streaked greenbull, Neumann’s warbler, Yellow streaked greenbull, Handsome Francolin and Shelley’s crimson wing all make up what can be a quite fantastic bird list from just one or two sites, such as Bwindi – renowned for its variety of habitats; Rushaga sector, Nguringo sector, Ruhija sector and Buhooma sector which is home to all the birds that are associated with the impenetrable forest. Seven days to fourteen is normally sufficient for a successful birding experience. Amphibians thrive here as do every other type of animal and insect, especially birds. It is one of the wettest places on earth and it rains an average of 250 to 300 days of the year. This is true ‘wet’ or ‘rainforest’. Rwenzori NP, Murchison NP, Kibale NP, Kidepo NP Lake Mburo NP, Victoria and Bunyonyi Lake basins cannot be forgotten.

On the banks of the River Nile itself and an exciting Nile water experience – riparian species and hungry raptors abound near the famed Longest River in the world, which showcases the Ugandan diversity at its best.


We’ve included some of our most popular itineraries below. Our tours cover large swathes of the country and showcase relatively new birding areas, such as Bwindi and the Virungas/Ugandan Massif side, both of which are quickly becoming havens for birders, full of stunning jewels that are essential ticks on any life list.

Varieties of Bird’s Genus


These itineraries are a small selection of the various birding tours that we offer and it’s worth mentioning that we operate Uganda as a whole –there is no known region or site that we do not visit and we are always searching for more sites so that we are at the forefront of the very best birding experiences in Uganda.


All tours are suitable for groups or independent travelers and can be changed, adapted or modified in line with your specific requirements, such as budget, time, travel style, specific target list etc. There’s nothing we like better than create and mould a tour to your exact needs and wants.


We don’t do large groups for our birding tours. In fact, we don’t do large groups for any of our tours as it’s not what we’re about. We keep group sizes small to ensure a more personalized experience, with more contact time with the tour leader and of course, much better opportunities for field sightings of the various species.


A brief description of the tour as a whole with some juicy tit-bits of information that you should know.

A Day by day one-line rundown of what the tour has in store

The main birding sites that will be visited on the tour so clients can check listings and start to prepare their birding brains.

Some of the main stars of the show that will be focused on during the tour.

For those non-birders and couples with shared interests, we’ve put forward a small list of ideas that can be easily included during any given tour.

Best time of year to do this particular tour, taking into account weather and any other relevant time-related characteristics that may impact on getting the best views.

Upon request. Note that a typical birding itinerary can cost anywhere between $200 to $350 USD/day per person, including all services.



A brief description of the tour as a whole with some juicy tit-bits of information that you should know.


 A Day by day one-line rundown of what the tour has in store.


The main birding sites that will be visited on the tour so clients can check listings and start to prepare their birding brains.


Some of the main stars of the show that will be focused on during the tour.


 For those non-birders and couples with shared interests, we’ve put forward a small list of ideas that can be easily included during any given tour.


 Best time of year to do this particular tour, taking into account weather and any other relevant time-related characteristics that may impact on getting the best views.


Upon request. Note that a typical birding itinerary can cost anywhere between $200 to $350 USD/day per person, including all services.

Experience birding safari in Uganda

Discover Uganda's Birds with us
Discover the amazing Pelicans
Discover Varieties of Birds
Unforgettable Birding experiences
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